Saturday, October 25, 2008

We Watch The Stars... They'll Be Out For Us

After the showcase at SOBs, I headed to Bowery to catch 
Friendly Fires

I've put you on not ONCE, but TWICE already. Seeing them perform LIVE with a
fly lead singer, TWO drummers, a possessed guitarist, and lots of cow bell somehow made leaving Wale worth it; the D.C. emcee will be back soon to promote his album, but these guys are Brits. Read more info about the show over at TastesLikeCaramel.

Here they are, performing a piece of "Ex Lover":

In the last 3 seconds, you can hear security tell me "NO VIDEO." 
Oopsies! Listen to the full song HERE.

The vocal mic sounds very faint, but HERE'S footage of them performing "White Diamonds," their song that was used on an episode of Gossip Girl. Quirky and energetic, these guys used a DUST BUSTER on their guitars toward the end of the show, presumably to tinker with the sound...
It was way cool.

Unfortunately, I couldn't record them performing "Paris," 
so here's the video instead:

"I'll find you that french boy, you'll find you that french girl- I promise. I'm on it."

Just like Lykke Li, (the headlining act they opened for,) 
these guys were really fun to shoot. 

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