50 Cent endorsed Hillary on O'Reily, he also mentioned that he believes America isn't
"ready" for a black president. Immediately following that statement, 50 explained why and expressed his concern for a potential assassination by saying
"I think they might kill him."I first saw this clip, and I thought it was an intelligent
yet blunt thing to say. But frankly, it's not the most
crazy conspiracy theory ever heard of. I've honestly thought about what might happen to Barack Obama if he won the Democratic ticket and ran for president... After all, there are racial extremists out there whose hateful practices are
protected by the
First Amendment,
and(!) I wouldn't put an execution past
Uncle Sam's elitist nephews either. Morbid, I know.
If you have time to do
anything today,
watch this clip! It's an excerpt from
Eddie Murphy: Delirious. I watched it so much in high school that my friends and I would say all the jokes as Eddie delivered them (shout out to Cunningham!). Seeing all the fuss over 50's comment has forced me to dig it up and share. The whole clip is hilarious and worth watching, but
at 6:45, he starts talking about African Americans in politics, and around 7:12 he starts the assasination joke.
I've seen Jesse in the gym, working the fuck out, too, for getting into shape.
You know he got a chance he can win.
White dudes like to do shit like that...
...vote for the wrong dude as a goof.
They get drunk and shit and go like:
"Let's vote for Jesse Jackson!"
"I just voted for Jesse Jackson!"
And next day would be like this:
"He fucking won?"
Jesse knows that shit can happen. He gets in shape.
I've seen him running round the track and shit.
I said: "Why the fuck you getting in shape like this?"
He says: "'cos I'm gonna be the first black president."
"I have to give speeches like this:
'My fellow americans!
As your president I feel...'"
Unfortunately, the punch line of the joke got cut off and is continued HERE:
And dude be going: "He won't stand still!"
Did you hear how hesitant the crowd was to laugh after that last line!? They were horrified at first, but a few seconds later, found the truth in the joke and applauded.
No stranger to bullets, it's not surprising to me that 50 might have some wisdom in a situation like this (see:
Many Men).
So much for hope.