Monday, February 4, 2008

It's Well and it's Fine and it's Fine if it Fell

The Superbowl was yesterday, and Super Tuesday is tomorrow - how fitting.

Because I'm still somewhat torn between candidates, I feel like I'm able to observe the political climate objectively. That said, I need to point out that not only is Obama seen as the more cool candidate, but in some cases, Hillary is even viewed as an enemy. On his show Friday night, Bill Maher discussed how there is serious hatred toward Hillary, and it's not really clear WHY that is. Meanwhile, BOTH Hillary and Barack are exceptional candidates, and they're changing our country's precedents each day that they campaign. I would feel comfortable with either one of them leading that ticket, and I'm interested to see who's chosen to ride shotgun as VP.

Because they share such similar views on policy, many have reduced this primary to a competition between a black man and a white woman. I don't want to turn this into a RACE VS. GENDER issue, but I've been seeing a lot of people doing that, and I keep hearing the argument that Barack "deserves" it more. I've also noticed that Hillary fans (like Patriots fans in New York today,) are not being vocal in this current celebrity-endorsing, pro-Barack environment.  When I polled people and asked if they felt the same Obama peer pressure that I do, everyone was pretty much in agreement. That fact is disturbing to me considering how desperately we need BOTH more women AND more minorities in office. 

Anyhow, if you need to cram before voting tomorrow, here is the
latest debate from LA. It's the first of 11 YouTube clips, but it will link you to the rest!

Will any of our votes even be counted?

While we're cheering for our favorite team in this sporting event, I think we're forgetting the biggest burden of all. The election of 2004 was stolen by dirty strategies and hacked voting machines! FYI: That mess never got cleaned up, and groups like Black Box Voting are blowing the whistle every chance they get!

In addition to the lack of pro-Hillary sentiment, I've also encountered overall cynicism regarding the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. While we're being pitched promises of hope and new beginnings, many folks have demonstrated doubt that actual change will occur. Is this a pessimistic attitude, or are people just being realistic?

Below, David Simon (creator of HBO's The Wire) shares his thoughts on what he calls "The End of the American Empire." Clearly, he would argue that viewing the future in a not-so-optimistic manner is, in fact, reality.

He goes on in Part 2 and Part 3.

"We are targets. Hello Darkness." Enjoy your week! :)

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