Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Never Thought That You Would Take It This Far

We'll talk about this later... depth though.

Kanye got us thinking with this one.  
Why is she killing him? Why did she burn her clothes beforehand? What did he do to her in the first place? I'd love to hear Kanye's actual intentions for it. He's 4 for 4 with visually incredible videos on this project, but this is clearly the most vague and intense of the bunch. What did he want to achieve with Flashing Lights? Did he want us to be confused? Did he want to make us uncomfortable? Did he just want to showcase a phenomenal female figure?

From an artistic perspective, the fact that the video is so random only makes me like it more. F Deez thought that maybe the woman represents the industry or fame, and she is, thus, "killing" Kanye. Shateema thought that maybe Kanye was respectfully nodding at death - showing us how he'd like to "sleep" since he's recently mentioned seeing his mother in his dreams. I have no idea. I'm just shocked that MTV and BET got the "okay" from Standards to play this booty-showing, pyro-inspiring, murder novella.


Anonymous said...

Technically it's shot well.

Conceptually it's dope.

Artistically its refreshing.

But still....

It ain't no 'Thriller'

f deez said...
