Monday, February 18, 2008

Face The Gun

At first I was upset, but now I'm kind of relieved that Bozworth and I didn't go to N'awlins this weekend. Who needs shoot-outs in their life?

Instead, I set my sights on some music...
Highlights including Kenna and Kate Nash.
Boz aimed first, putting me on with the track, "Dickhead".

Also in music updates, the underrated Trey Songz shows us he knows how to eventually bite the bullet in his solid new video for "The Last Time."

As for my random findings...
I assume this will get shot down by the labels soon enough, so while you still can, play with this song search engine, Songerize

You just type in the Title and Artist and it plays the song for you, on the spot. (Courtesy of Kanye's blog).

And FYI:
Charles Barkley called Republicans "fake Christians" on CNN.
He's not scurred either...
"They can't do anything to me. I don't work for them."

Shots Fired.

1 comment:

Simply_SB said...

LOL I'm mad I didnt see this post... dickhead and trey's video in the same blog does me a little justice lol...kidddingg