Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who You Callin' a Witch?

There's been all this talk in the streets that Hillary and Barack are calling each other out and having beef. During the 20th Democratic debate (their 3rd one alone), both candidates were thankfully pretty calm and gracious with each other, especially toward the end. They avoided many petty jabs and saved the fightin' words for the real opponent : the Republican party. I really hope they end up joining forces to defeat the dark side, but that's not likely to happen.

I LOVE that this race has people paying attention to politics, but I HATE that it's simultaneously dividing Democrats. Did you hear about the Clinton/Obama argument that led to a stabbing? Luckily, my recent disagreement with young Caniba didn't end as dramatically!!! I saw that he posted a link on Facebook trashing Hillary with the caption:

"Hillary's lost it. Total Evil Witch-mode"

I clicked on the link, cringing to see what Hill Hill had done wrong. But after watching the video, I was extremely reluctant to agree with Caniba's characterization of the incident. Because I'm a fan of both candidates, I'm able to see that the ammunition they use against each other isn't always top shelf! If you watched the footage, you saw that Hillary's mocking Barack, poking fun at his idealistic campaign theme. I can understand how die-hard Barack fans would be upset about this - seeing Hillary as a predator to their hope. And as much as I love Barack's awareness movement, the realist in me sort of sees her point too.

Caniba and I discussed our respective perceptions on the footage, and like mature young adults, we both saw room for the other's point. No harsh words. No stabbing:) I just wish more people would see this race differently: Instead of angrily dividing ourselves, we should truly listen to Barack and unite.

Queen Latifah - U N I T Y - Queen Latifah


f deez said...

without gong too deep, i just think its real interesting how right now the country prefers a well spoken black man over a woman who keeps it real... and thats without getting into who i like or whatever, cause lets all face it, none of us know as much about this shit as we should to be making any kind of strong stances (or at least i dont, and i'll admit it)

Anonymous said...

First off, I stand by my comment. The meaning behind it, not the language used. I could have used any other pejorative adjective to have expressed my point and it probably would have been met with the same criticism.

While I respect her drive, I am not the misogynist that Facebook would have you believe, lol... And while I can barely tell the difference between both candidates on a political level, what is clear to see is that Hill Hill's frustrated.

Her campaign has been run into the ground by political dinosaurs and antiquated ideas of how a campaign is to be run and meanwhile Barack has practically been named the next JFK.

She's a woman, yes. This is a fact that no one can dispute but does that mean she can't be criticized openly for being negative and condescending?

zILLa said...

But "evil" and "witch" are a little strong to describe negative and condescending, no? IDK... I still love you though.

f deez said...

i dont know man, i was trying to stick up for her, but im not voting for her either so... yeah