Friday, August 29, 2008

Look At What This Country's Got

If you've watched CNN at all over the last few days, you probably noticed how much it resembles ESPN- the play-by-play coverage of the Democratic National Convention was even captivating enough to lure-in a political cynic like me. Last night, Barack Obama set the nation on fire with his invigorating acceptance speech. But prior to that, other speeches were delivered by the current lot of iconic Democrats, and although they're all pretty lengthy, I suggest watching if you haven't already:

Democratic Presidential Nominee: BARACK OBAMA

"And Democrats, we must also admit that fulfilling America's promise will require more than just money. It will require a renewed sense of responsibility from each of us to recover what John F. Kennedy called our "intellectual and moral strength." Yes, government must lead on energy independence, but each of us must do our part to make our homes and businesses more efficient. Yes, we must provide more ladders to success for young men who fall into lives of crime and despair. But we must also admit that programs alone can't replace parents; that government can't turn off the television and make a child do her homework; that fathers must take more responsibility for providing the love and guidance their children need.
Individual responsibility and mutual responsibility - that's the essence of America's promise."

Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee: JOE BIDEN

Former President: BILL CLINTON

"Most important, Barack Obama knows that America cannot be strong abroad unless we are strong at home. People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power."

NY Senator and former first lady: HILLARY CLINTON

Wife of the Democratic Presidential Nominee: MICHELLE OBAMA

But just when you think it's a unified slam-dunk, the Republicans had to make it even more interesting...

I woke up this morning with a text message from Jen, informing me that McCain had just picked a female running mate: Sarah Palin of Alaska. I turned on CNN, and put the needle back in my arm... it seems as though getting my fix of the excitement is far from over. 

Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee: SARAH PALIN

As I watched her speak, it occured to me that those undecided swing voters may look at her as representing a different kind of hope. It was crazy already with Obama being the first African American nominee for President, but now, with a woman VP? This is so historic, I don't even know what to do with myself...

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